Afrikan Combat Sciences the Oldest in the World.
Welcome to our Capoeira lesson for today!
Detail of the wrestling scenes in tomb 15 of Baqet III at Monet-Khufu (modern-day Beni Hasan)
Did you know that the image above is that of the oldest combat arts and sciences in human history? If the practitioners don’t look like Bruce Lee to you, it’s because they’re not Asian. If they look Afrikan to you, it’s because they are. Don’t mind the so-called white “historians” and their lackeys:
Coincidentally, note Cheikh Anta Diop and Theophile Obenga who turned the whole world of such rabid racist terrorist white “historians” upside down with the revelation that with a determinative of “town”, the word Kmt ‘Egypt’ (iconograph is a piece of burnt wood) itself translates to Land of the Blacks.
When said rabid racist terrorist white “historians” countered with the preposterous assertion that it meant Black Soil, Diop and Obenga showed them in writing Kmt with a determinative of human beings/plural demonstrating that the people of Kmt themselves referred to themselves as Black people using the irrefutable research of their own white scholars and the writings of the people of Kmt themselves:
Source: Raymond O. Faulkner’s A Concise Dictionary of Middle Egyptian 1962 p 286.
1st on bottom right* tmḥ(w) ‘Libyan(s)’ (Gardiner 1957:601, Faulkner 1962:304)
2nd from right on top AND bottom rows: nḥsy(w) ‘Nubian(s)’ (Gardiner 1957:575, 619, Faulkner 1962:137)
3rd from right on top AND bottom rows ῾зm(w) ‘Asiatic(s)’ (Gardiner 1957:557, 606, Faulkner 1962:38)
4th from right (on the far left) on top AND bottom rows: rmt ‘men, mankind; Egyptians (collective/mass noun)’ (Gardiner 1957:578, 618, 620, Faulkner 1962:149-50)
Case closed.
But that is tangential to our discussion here which is that Afrikan people, Black people (synonyms), your very own Afrikan Ancestors practiced the first combat arts and sciences known to humanity on the face of the planet earth. Congratulations!
So below, find these line drawings which were made for Hugh Leonard’s (1897) wrestling manual “A Handbook of Wrestling.” The manual itself is available online for free at:
According to Petrie (2013), these tomb scenes date back to 3396 BCE late in the reign of Senusert I with the burial recorded as occurring in his 43rd year of rule. This is before the founding of Kmt (Ancient Egypt) as the two lands Upper Kmt and Lower Kmt were united later by this Afrikan named Narmer:
Coincidentally, Narmer was no slouch when it came to combat arts and sciences himself as the Narmer Palette clearly shows:
If you think that the images look a lot like how we practice Abibifahodie Afrikan Combat Capoeira, you’re right! Not necessarily intentionally, it’s just that when you have the same goals and objectives as your own Illustrious Afrikan Ancestors, you can pull from your genetic memory to accomplish the the same or similar results. Your body will teach you how. So fear not that 5,000-year-old history and knowledge of the original form of Afrikan Combat is forever lost. Look inside and you’ll find that memory as your genetic inheritance encoded in your own DNA!
Also you may notice how we intentionally shy away from using the term “martial arts” not because the concept itself doesn’t fit, but rather due to disdain for the identification of the Roman “god” Mars from which the term “martial” is derived.* As an Afrikan proverb states: “It is a silly daughter who tries to teach her mother how to bear children.” By the same token, it would be silly to define an older, more ancient phenomenon based on that which came later and unabashedly plagiarized from the original. This would be the equivalent of using such oxymoronic terms as Egyptian Kung-Fu, Afrikan Judo, Black Karate, Nubian Jiu-Jitsu, Kemetic Yoga, kwk.
Know yourself, get some pride in yourself based on the facts and quit pretending to be europeans, asians, eurasians, hebrews, greeks, british, americans, kwk. Learn your history and quit basing your reality on fantasy, fiction, fairy tales, movies, novels, myths, legends, bibles, korans, talmuds, science-fiction and other eurasian mixtures of plagiarism combined with outright lies!
So, now that you know combat arts and sciences all began with you, now you’re left to decide whether or not it continues with you.
Learn Abibifahodie Afrikan Combat Capoeira today!
Interested in learning more? Check out the following few resources:
Further reading:
Desch-Obi, T. J. (2008). Fighting for Honor: The History of African Martial Art Traditions in the Atlantic World: University of South Carolina Press.
Leonard, H. F. (1897). A Hand-Book of Wrestling: E.R. Pelton.
Petrie, W. M. F. (2013). The Revolutions of Civilisation: Severus Verlag.
UNESCO. (1978). The Peopling of Ancient Egypt and the Deciphering of Meroitic Script: Proceedings of the Symposium Held in Cairo from 28 January to 3 February 1974: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.
*note that the term combat is more neutral with an etymology simply meaning com – ‘together’ with bat ‘fight’ which is analogous to indigenous Afrikan concepts such as the Yorùbá bá – ‘join’ jà – ‘fight