Abibifahodie Capoeira was established in Accra, Ghana in 2009 by Dr. Obadele “Africano” Kambon.

We Live To Help Train You
Africano began training in Capoeira Angola in Atlanta in 1998-99 with Grupo de N’golo. Upon graduating from undergrad, he continued training Angola and Regional in Wisconsin and Chicago. Africano began instructing in 2006 under the auspices of Capoeira Akebelan (where he received his nome de guerra, Africano) instructing in Chicago at DuSable Leadership Academy and Barbara A. Sizemore Academy.
Africano later instructed Capoeira at Betty Shabazz International Charter School, New Concept, Charles Hamilton Houston Alternative High School, Winnie Mandela Intergenerational Alternative High School and Camp Cul-Tec as well as instructing Capoeira with the Black Survival Network. In 2007, he traveled with his Instructor, Valentao, to Bahia where he trained in Regional with Academia Mestre Bimba and Angola with Associacao Brasileira de Capoeira Angola while frequenting the classes and rodas of Mestre Joao Pequeno and the street rodas at Mercado Modelo (Capoeira da Rua).

Having trained extensively in both Angola and Regional styles of Capoeira, “Africano” was invited to co-instruct a pre-existing class at Aviation Social Centre in Accra and took the class over entirely when the other instructor moved away from Ghana. The name Abibifahodie is from the Twi language and is best rendered into english as “Afrikan Liberation”. Afrikan Liberation is the focus of our group in keeping with the history of capoeira in its use as an instrument for the liberation of Afrikan people. Our logo is a newly created adinkra symbol called Abibifahodie ‘Afrikan Liberation’ and formed out of two pre-existing Adinkra symbols, namely akobɛn with the accompanying proverb in the Twi language of Ghana Akobɛn bɔ a, na yɛhunu mmarima ‘ When the war horn sounds is when we see men’ and nkyinkyimiiɛ with the accompanying proverb Ɔbra ne kwan yɛ nkyinkyimiiɛ ‘Life’s path is twists and turns’. The combination of bravery and adaptability encapsulates much of the philosophy of Capoeira and nkyinkyimiiɛ is also used in the logo of Capoeira Akebelan where Africano spend several of his formative years in Capoeira.
Abibifahodie Capoeira Africana is open to all Afrikan people of the continent and the diaspora.
Quite simply, Abibifahodie translates to Afrikan Liberation.
Life’s path is twists and turns
When the war horn sounds is when we see men
The combination of bravery and adaptability